Wednesday, December 3, 2008

FINALS by Lacey May


Yes Greek people it is time for finals. Time to go back in time and try to learn the week+ of material you missed during pledge week. Time when you realize F*#% I Never Actually Learned this S*%#!
Ok. Breathe, buckle down, and take into consideration that your grades may be more important than a gathering with certain beverages for one night. Yes I am telling you to cut back on the social gatherings and to focus on things that may affect the rest of your life- you know, graduation, job opportunities, your future, etc. Now, while these things may seem small in comparison to a good time, they are in fact something to keep in mind when considering the real world.
I know, I'm a Debbie Downer, but seriously this is important. I'm not going to reference you to counseling centers or tutors or anything- I'm just going to say that studying is usually a positive thing.
As a person with three jobs, I know it's hard to find the time to do the study thing and maintain some semblance of a social life. Everyone needs to make sacrifices every now and then.
Finals are your opportunity to prove that even though you may have bombed every test and quiz during pledge week, you really do have a functioning brain that does, in fact, retain information.
So, dig deep and get ready to go through the most stressful time of a college student's life. Finals are hard, but an education is worth it. Let's make it a good one.
If anyone has tips about studying or what works best for them feel free to comment. In the meantime- show up to class and make an effort.